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Job Templates & Copy Jobs

Abhik Pramanik
Abhik Pramanik
Co-founder & VP of Engineering

Jobs across your organization often share the same attributes and setting those attributes for every new job can be tedious. To make this easier, we've added two new options for creating jobs:

  • Copy a job
  • Create jobs from templates

Copy a Job

Go to a job, click MoreCopy:

Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 4.25.37 PM.png

The copied job will be a draft with the same attributes (e.g. employment type, roles, postings, schedule templates) as the job it copied. All copied job postings will be unpublished.

You can only copy jobs that you have permission to edit.

Job Templates

If you find yourself often building jobs with similar attributes, you can create job templates that capture those attributes. Job templates are almost exactly like jobs, except they can't be opened and don't require a location nor department.

Templates can be created by navigating to Jobs -> Job Templates and clicking New:


They can also be copied from other templates or created from jobs:

Screen Shot 2020-10-14 at 4.25.37 PM.png

Once setup and activated, other colleagues can use your templates when creating a job:



Only users with a global role of "Organization Admin" can create, edit, and use templates. Other users can only create jobs from templates that:

  • Have no team set
  • The team of the template is under a team or department where the user has permission to create jobs

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