Show Active Job Consideration Count on Funnel Reports
By default, Funnel Reports in Ashby only count and display completed job considerations to give you an accurate understanding of the drop-off rates between interview stages. However, it can be highly useful to view the numbers for candidates who are currently still in your pipeline (for example, to compare your team's current numbers to historical trends).
Ashby now has an easy option to view these Active Job Consideration Counts on your passthrough rate charts. ☑️
Enabling the "Show Active Count" Option
On any Funnel Report, find the View Options and check the Show Active Count box. This will only be available if you are viewing the data as a Counts & Passthrough Rates chart.
Once this is enabled, each stage count column will now have two numbers instead of one. In this view, the number on the left (in gray) is the number of active job considerations, and the number on the right (in black) is the historical stage count.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!