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Trackable Job Board Links

Abhik Pramanik
Abhik Pramanik
Co-founder & VP of Engineering

Want to post a link to your job board or job on another site and track applicants coming from that site?

Now you can with trackable job board links! When a person applies using your trackable Ashby job board link, their application is tagged with a source of your choice.

To generate a trackable link, first, decide what source you want to tag the candidate's application. If necessary, add the source:

  1. Go to Admin -> Organization Settings -> Sources
  2. Select or add the source type you want to categorize the source (we recommend using "Inbound")
  3. Add the source by expanding the source type and following the gif below:

Once you've picked the source, you're ready create the link. Navigate to AdminIntegrationsJob Boards and click New Custom Link. Name the link and select the source:


You now have a link to your job board that you can copy and add to the site. If you need a link to a job posting, simply click the link in Ashby, navigate to the job, and copy and paste the link in your browser:


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