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Unify Reporting Across Roles with Grouped Interview Plans

Are you using multiple Interview Plans for different roles or departments? Using more than one Interview Plan can make capturing and automating your interview processes easier, but variations can make it difficult to create consistent reporting across your organization.

To solve this problem, use a Grouped Interview Plan to create a consistent set of buckets for all interview plans:

Enabling Grouped Interview Plan

Organization Admins can set up a Grouped Interview Plan in the Admin panel:

  1. Navigate to Customize Interviews > Grouped Interview Plan.
  2. Check the box for Enable Grouped Interview Plan ☑️
  3. Add the Interview Stages that you want to use across all plans, e.g. Application Review, Offer, or Hired.
  4. You can optionally de-select any specific interview stages in this list that you do not want to appear in Funnel Reports. 🙈

🔗 Linking Existing Interview Plans to the Grouped Interview Plan

Once you have set up your Grouped Interview Plan, the last step is to map any Interview Stages in your existing Interview Plans to the stages in the Grouped Plan.

On each of your existing Interview Plans, use the dropdown next to each Interview Stage to select which grouped stage it should be a part of:


That's it! With Grouped Interview Plans, you can now maintain consistent reporting across your organization while still reaping the automation benefits from having multiple distinct Interview Plans.

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