Joel Westmark
Joel Westmark

3 minute read



The Number of Questions per Application has Nearly Doubled

As we’ve seen in past reports, companies can expect to receive more applications today than they would three years ago. This dramatic increase in applications has correlated with another change in the hiring process: applicants being asked to answer more questions per job. 

The trend has led to growing conversations on LinkedIn, both positive and negative, about the purpose application questions serve. Some candidates see it as a blocker to applying to roles while others appreciate the opportunity to prove their candidacy earlier in the process. Some recruiters believe it helps vet the growing top of the funnel while others feel they’re stuck in a sea of AI-generated responses. All this chatter inspired us to explore just how prominent the change is. 

This report analyzes over 4.8M applications from January 2021 to December 2024.

We began by simply reviewing the number of application questions included on job postings. Immediately, we see that the number of questions per application has nearly doubled in the past four years.

The Number of Questions per Application Has Nearly Doubled

The natural question this introduces: Are applicants filling out all the questions? It seems that even with significantly more questions, the average rate of questions answered is relatively stable

Note: This data only takes into consideration applications that get submitted. It does not account for candidates who start an application and then abandon at some point.

It’s also worth noting that jobs with more questions tend to have more optional questions, which could be another factor at play.

Applicants Seem Willing to Answer More and More Questions

As we iterated on AI-Assisted Application Reviews in Ashby last year, one piece of customer feedback we acted on was helping filter candidates based on whether they’ve answered one of your application questions. This piqued our interest in how common long-form questions were being used. Looking at all job applications in 2024, we see that roughly half (46.8%) include long form questions. 

Roughly Half of Application Forms in 2024 had a Long Form Question

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