
We're a nimble team of humans working together to do big things.

Ashby is a remote-first company with colleagues working from 14 countries in North America and Europe. We meet in person at least once a year in Europe and in our office in San Francisco.

Ashby holiday book exchange

Our 2022 holiday book exchange ๐ŸŽ„

Shane Gallaher
I'm New!
Shane Gallaher

VP of Finance

Something I'm excited to work on at Ashby...

I'm excited to build a world class finance function that is several steps ahead of where we "need" to be; one that is a trusted business partner, a dependable source of financial information for our company and shareholders, and one that is capable of empowering our leaders to allocate capital effectively.

My onboarding experience at Ashby...

It's been tremendously positive! The mixture of live product deep dives and asynchronous reading/learning allowed me to onboard quickly and with the right amount of depth. Hands down, the best onboarding experience I've had.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

The sheer volume and depth of love for our product from our customers.

Khay Nguyen
Khay Nguyen

Business Operations

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

One of the joys of working as a team of one is Iโ€™m able to impact (and learn about) many facets of the business, from sales to finance. I formalized deal flow management in our CRM, built all our sales metrics and ARR analytics from scratch, and wrangled our billings and invoicing process.

Something I've helped the team with...

I automated handoff of a customer from sales to customer success by configuring our CRM to automatically create customer check-in reminders once a deal is closed. Before this, we weren't able to keep track of customers and make sure they were having a great experience!

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

I joined Ashby when it was 7 people and I was expecting it to be more chaotic and disorganized (like the typical startup journey). While there are constantly new problems to solve, I'm delighted that decisions are made rationally with long-term success in mind. I also appreciate the clear standards around effective communication practices and documentation, something that most companies wait too long to implement.