
We're a nimble team of humans working together to do big things.

Ashby is a remote-first company with colleagues working from 14 countries in North America and Europe. We meet in person at least once a year in Europe and in our office in San Francisco.

Ashby holiday book exchange

Our 2022 holiday book exchange ๐ŸŽ„

Benjamin Encz
Benjamin Encz

Co-founder & CEO

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I've designed and created some of the early building blocks we use to build new features (think Legos). It's been great to see the team embrace this way of building and watch the building blocks evolve without my help!

Something I've helped the team with...

I've built and continue to expand the internal knowledge base of our industry and our customers. It's critical to help the team make independent product and engineering decisions.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

The team has consistently focused on the long term even as I've stepped away from engineering.

Abhik Pramanik
Abhik Pramanik

Co-founder & VP of Engineering

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I built Ashby's design system. It's enabled the team to design and launch well designed products; often without a full-time designer! While we have room to improve, customers consistently comment on how well designed Ashby is.

Something I've helped the team with...

I implemented code that tagged all client Sentry errors with a link to a video recording of the user session. It was a small change but it continues to help us create repro steps for obscure bugs and fix them, often without a user even reporting it!

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

I continue to be surprised at the depth we can go with each feature we've built. While we can improve our customer's lives with a first version, it often uncovers even more impactful problems or inefficiencies we can solve. We've only scratched the surface of what Ashby can do for our customers!

Mike Clapson
Mike Clapson

VP of Sales

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I've helped streamline and automate a number of small processes so that account executives can spend more time speaking with customers and less time entering data.

Something I've helped the team with...

In my first quarter I collaborated with Jacob to land Ashby's largest customer yet!

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

It's so exciting to see the passion for our product and the volume of people that reach out to us to learn more. It's a testament to the quality and power of the product our team has built.

Harriet Johnston
Harriet Johnston

VP of Marketing

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I joined in September 2022 to lead the public launch and scale the marketing team. In our first six months, we have accomplished a tonne: assembling a phenomenal team, launching highly effective campaigns, optimizing our brand and content strategy, and establishing a foundation for an efficient marketing function. While it's difficult to highlight a single project, I take immense pride in the team I'm cultivating and the exceptional quantity and quality of our work.

Something I've helped the team with...

It's been a treat working so closely with the Sales and Customer Success teams to ensure that we are creating the relevant assets to ensure that the sales cycle is smooth and that customers are able to onboard and stay on top of new product launches.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

The efficiency in which the business is run and ruthless commitment to first principle thinking. See how much impact can be achieved without having to grind is inspiring.

Kelsey Peterson
Kelsey Peterson

VP of Customer Success

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

I'm most excited by how we're revisiting our customer engagement model ๏ผ we're determining how to best support different customer cohorts (based on what is most important to them and where they are in their journey with Ashby). This initiative includes playbooks such as 6 month health check-ins, account audits, and some new specialized offerings.

Something I've helped the team with...

Our customers are often eager to share a positive sentiment about Ashby (whether it be via LinkedIn, G2, or with us directly). I've put structure into how we facilitate customer reference calls with future customers so we can ensure alignment with Sales as well as a streamlined customer experience!

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

How aligned the teams are with our operating principles. They're not some esoteric guide; the framework is in practice each and every day, which yields tremendous cross-functional success.

Shane Gallaher
I'm New!
Shane Gallaher

VP of Finance

Something I'm excited to work on at Ashby...

I'm excited to build a world class finance function that is several steps ahead of where we "need" to be; one that is a trusted business partner, a dependable source of financial information for our company and shareholders, and one that is capable of empowering our leaders to allocate capital effectively.

My onboarding experience at Ashby...

It's been tremendously positive! The mixture of live product deep dives and asynchronous reading/learning allowed me to onboard quickly and with the right amount of depth. Hands down, the best onboarding experience I've had.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

The sheer volume and depth of love for our product from our customers.

Jim Miller
Jim Miller

VP of People and Talent

Something I'm proud of at Ashby...

A consistent, cohort based hiring process that enables Ashby to hire the best talent across the whole pool of candidates for any given job. This has enabled us to focus on pipeline, process elements that impact "Quality of Hire," and creates a choice scenario for hiring managers at the end of our hiring activities.

Something I've helped the team with...

A fast and efficient pipeline generation model that helps all of our hiring managers see immediate, high caliber talent pools for their roles. I wear many hats within this, focusing on where I can make the biggest impact to help Ashby grow! Rolling my sleeves up, screening resumes, sourcing candidates, and scheduling interviews gives me the deepest look into our products capabilities. I can help help leverage my deep talent experience to help any teammate, from Engineering to Customer Success, Marketing to Sales.

Most surprising thing about Ashby...

The intentionality in everything we do. It's very special.